Friday, November 28, 2014

Steve McCurry India Photography

Steve McCurry n’a plus sa rĂ©putation Ă  faire en matière de photographie. Depuis des annĂ©es, le cĂ©lèbre photographe voyage de pays en pays pour en capturer des images uniques et spontanĂ©es. Dans cette sĂ©rie, nous dĂ©couvrons l’Inde, ses habitants, leurs coutumes et l’atmosphère qui y règne Ă  travers une sĂ©lection d’images pleines de couleurs.

Steve McCurry India Photography-6 INDIA-10312NF, Taj Mahal, Agra, India, 1996, Steve McCurry India Photography-12 _DSC3529, Kumbh Mela Festival, India, 2010, INDIA-10867 INDIA-11144, India, Bombay, 1997 00533_ 19, Dentist's Clinic, Ujjain, India, 2004, INDIA-11029 Steve McCurry India Photography-21 INDIA-10912, Gujarat, India, 2002 Women in Varanasi, India, 2010 00073_02 Playing Cards, Agra, India, 1999.The Unguarded Moment Steve McCurry India Photography-15 Banana Cart, Bombay, India, 1993 INDIA-10666NF2, Bombay, India, 1993 Street scene, Calcutta, India, 1996 Steve McCurry India Photography-10 Ujjain, India, 2002 Steve McCurry India Photography-7 Steve McCurry India Photography-6b Steve McCurry India Photography-5 Steve McCurry India Photography-4b Steve McCurry India Photography-4 Steve McCurry India Photography-3 Steve McCurry India Photography-2 INDIA-10997, Jodhpur, India, 2005 Steve McCurry India Photography-0

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  1. honestly some of the most beautiful and inspiring photographs I have ever laid eyes on. the culture showed in these photos is just amazing, so talented.
