Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Watch live: SpaceX attempts historic rocket landing

http://ift.tt/1PIXVSV // Dragon

SpaceX will try once again to launch its cargo capsule to the International Space Station on Tuesday at 4:10 p.m. ET, but what comes after that will be its biggest feat yet.

Nine minutes after launch, the company will attempt to land the first stage of the rocket — the Falcon 9, which carried the Dragon cargo capsule into space — on a ship off the coast of Florida

You can watch it live here:

The ISS cargo re-supply mission was originally scheduled to launch on Monday, but it was scrubbed due to unseasonable inclement weather moving through the Cape Canaveral, Florida area, near the launch pad Read more...

More about Space, Nasa, Spacex, Astronauts, and Us World

from MashableAmanda Wills
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