Tuesday, April 14, 2015

7 gratitude exercises you should try today

http://ift.tt/1Hp0wxY // 3412470739_4b1222f3a4_o1

Presented by American Greetings

The ThankList is presented by American Greetings. We've all heard of a bucketlist, but what about a ThankList? It's a list of people you want to thank for shaping you as a person. And a step toward a world that's just a little bit nicer. Who’s on your ThankList?

The benefits of gratitude are manifold.

Studies show that practicing and experiencing gratitude boosts feelings of satisfaction, strengthens our relationships and drives us to help others.

Despite these benefits, we aren't always able to express gratitude, sometimes because we're too busy, other times because negative feelings overshadow the good in our lives. Read more...

More about Gratitude, Psychology, Longform, Lifestyle, and Family Parenting

from MashableEli Epstein
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