Sunday, June 28, 2015

Are Wedding Cakes only about Celebration?

A wedding is incomplete without the traditional cake cutting towards the end of it. With cakes online deliveryin the United Kingdom, it has become easy to arrange for a lavish cake for the bride and groom. However, not everyone enjoys a wedding cake just as a part of the celebration. The contemporary wedding cake has grown out of several different ethnic traditions. If we roll back years, we see that there are various traditions that have been associated with wedding cakes since time immemorial.  Some have survived through time and are practiced even today, while the others are no longer prevalent. Here are a few bizarre traditions related to wedding cakes which will know your socks off! Let us get a slice of history!

Can you imagine a wedding cake being broken on the head of the beautifully dressed up bride? Well, hard to imagine but true! A wedding cake originally was made of many little wheat cakes which were broken over the head of the new bride. This tradition symbolized the bestowal of fertility and good luck for the bride as she starts a new phase of her life. Fortunately, for brides, this tradition is not practiced anymore. A good dress and a good look over a good luck, any day!


There was much more to that tempting piece of cake than what meets the eye.  At one point, a wedding cake would be cut solely by the bride as a symbol of her soon to be lost virginity. But as we know, with time everything changes. Today, the cake is cut by both the bride and the groom, sharing its first bite with each other. This is one of the most beautiful and picturesque ceremonies of the wedding. It symbolizes the new bond of the couple and a lifetime of togetherness.  A couple that eats together, stays together!

If facts are to be believed, there was another  hilarious wedding cake tradition according to which if an unmarried person goes to bed with a piece of the wedding cake under their pillow, they will dream of their would be spouse that night! Had this tradition been prevalent till date, you just might have got to notice uninvited single guests at your wedding!


In olden days, the top tier of the cake was preserved for the christening of the couple’s first offspring. Over the years, this tradition has changed its concept and the top tier is now used at the couple’s first anniversary. A taste of a year of memories!


According to one of the wedding traditions of medieval England, tiny spiced buns were compiled in a towering pile to a great height. If the couple could successfully kiss over the stack, a lifetime of happiness awaited them.  With great heights come great relations!


So the next time you are relishing on that fruit cake traditional to the weddings and cakes online delivery in the United Kingdom, remember, it is not just about the fruits and flour! It is much more than a piece of confectionary!

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