Good stuff.
Maybe you know how this goes:
You start out on a new project full of enthusiasm and ideas.
But at the end of a hard day's work, you look over your accomplishments with a growing sense of dismay.
And you become filled with disgust at the terrible gap between what you wanted to do and what you've actually done.
The pain can be profound.
A lot of people never make it past this point. Especially in a world constantly on the lookout for "young talent," the failure of a first (or even second, third, and fourth) attempt can be immensely discouraging.
But hold on. Here are three rules to stay out of that trap of "perfect on the first draft."
Rule #1: Be nice. Forgive yourself for your early work.
Rule #2: Don't rush. Do a little each day. Keep a timetable and stick to it.
Rule #3: Don't judge yourself. Just keep going.
Eventually, your talents just might catch up with your tastes.
Bottom line: You'll never know if you don't try.
Words of wisdom for creative people.
Original created for you by the seriously helpful folks at The School of Life, where you'll find a ton more good stuff. Lego girl and Lego kitty by abneyhastings, boy with sea of Legos by spablab, and Lego tower by Matt Mets, all used under Creative Commons licenses.
from Upworthy
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