More about Media, Marketing, Taxes, Small Business, and Startups

from MashableTracey Edouard
Mashable's latest #BizChats Twitter chat shared tips on how to have have a stress-free tax season
Several finance experts shared their advice on taxes and tax filing, hosted by @MashBusiness, including Jean Chatzky, financial editor for NBC Today; Daily Worth, a financial media company for women; Wise Bread, a personal finance community for financial independence; Kay Bell, author and personal finance tax expert; Lisa Lewis, TurboTax blog editor and CPA expert; and Jeff Haywood, CPA and tax expert
Over the course of an hour, @MashBusiness covered an array of questions, ranging from how to prepare for tax season to tax breaks and how people can use them to their advantage. Read more...
More about Media, Marketing, Taxes, Small Business, and Startups
from MashableTracey Edouard
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