Friday, September 20, 2019

4 Family-Friendly Dining Options for All of Your Celebrations

Bringing together your extended family for holiday celebrations and major milestone events often involves plenty of snacks and huge meals. Whether you intend to host your family in your home or you are wondering where you should make a reservation for your crew, you need to narrow down the options to a few specific types of foods. It can be difficult to please everyone, but you may be able to satisfy most people when your meal plans include some of these popular dining options.

Burgers and Hot Dogs

One of the great things about burgers and hot dogs is that they can easily be dressed up with a wide range of toppings and condiments. For example, you can create a buffet setup with burgers, buns, ketchup, mustard mayonnaise, different types of cheeses, onions, pickles, mushrooms and more. Each person can create their own burger to their specifications. You can even prepare a few veggie burgers or veggie hot dogs to suit those with special dietary needs or preferences.

4 Family-Friendly Dining Options for All of Your Celebrations


Pizza is also easy to customize based on personal preferences and dietary needs. You can quickly order several pizzas for home delivery for a hassle-free meal that feeds a dozen or more people, or you could visit a local pizza parlor. You could also make a few larger or individual pizzas at home. Include salad with the meal for a healthy touch and to add variety.

4 Family-Friendly Dining Options for All of Your Celebrations

Asian Food

If you have decided to take your family to a restaurant, Asian food is usually a crowd-pleaser. This is because there are an extensive range of Asian dishes to choose from. This includes noodles and soups, veggie dishes, and meat-based dishes featuring pork, chicken, beef, duck, and seafood. Some Asian restaurants even have family-style meals, and this could help you to keep dining costs under control while filling everyone up.

4 Family-Friendly Dining Options for All of Your Celebrations

Italian Cuisine

Likewise, it is difficult to go wrong with Italian cuisine. You could prepare spaghetti, fettucine, or other pasta dishes at home easily. These are low-cost options that can feed many people easily. You could also head to an Italian restaurant for individual or family-style dining. Add soups, salads, and garlic bread to the mix to deliver a wider variety of menu options.

4 Family-Friendly Dining Options for All of Your Celebrations

When your extended family comes together, you understandably want to plan ahead for meals that are affordable, hassle-free and pleasing for most people. Consider how these food ideas could be worked into your menu with home-prepared or restaurant meals.

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