People love spending time outdoors. From camping to hiking, there is nothing more satisfying than enjoying the great outdoors. However, sometimes people are intimidated by all of the equipment needed for these outdoor activities. Luckily, one popular activity is simple enough that almost anyone can participate no matter their experience level.
With a paddleboard, or SUP as it’s referred to for short, recreation enthusiasts can easily enjoy family time together along with access to an entirely new world of water sports and adventures. While stand-up paddling might seem intimidating, with just a few lessons most anyone can become an expert using this technique in no time flat! If you are looking for an exciting family adventure, SUPing is the right choice for you. Therefore, here is a comprehensive guide on how to plan it all out and make the most out of it.
Where to SUP
Finding the perfect location for your family SUP adventure is critical. Since this activity requires you to be on the water, everyone must know how to swim. It would also be in your best interest to find a spot in an area with little boat traffic so that no one gets in danger while out on the water. That being said, you should always stay vigilant when around open bodies of water and take extra precautions when children are around. The options include lakes, rivers, bays, etc.
Try choosing locations that provide all of the essentials like changing rooms, parking lots, and bathrooms. Another great idea is surfing through social media sites for SUPing enthusiasts in your area and asking where they recommend.
Picking the Best SUP Boards
When it comes to finding the perfect board for your family, there are a few guidelines you should follow so you can find one that will work best with people of all ages and abilities. The first thing to consider is the size of the boards needed for each person in your family. Smaller boards will be easier for younger kids while larger boards provide more stability and control on the water.
Another factor that makes a difference is weight capacity. Lighter paddlers may be able to handle slightly heavier SUPs than others. While these guidelines apply to the average family, you also want to take into account the individual needs of everyone in your group when picking out SUP boards.
To protect your new purchase from damage, you should always keep your board out of direct sunlight when not in use. Upon buying SUP, you should consult the seller about how long can you leave a SUP inflated as it varies for how thick the board is and how hot it is outside. Beyond that make sure to rinse off sand before storing the board. SUPs are most commonly made from fiberglass, plastic, or carbon fiber so take care how you store it so the board is not bent or warped.
Take up SUP Classes
For beginners of those of you looking for an extra challenge, consider taking SUP classes! There are many lessons available both in-store and online. You can also take courses on how to stand up paddleboard to further your skills before heading out on the water alone. This will allow you and your family to spend more time enjoying nature in the most unique way possible: by paddling across a peaceful lake or stream!
Check Weather Conditions Regularly
One of the best things about SUPing is that it can be enjoyed in mild climates year-round, but this doesn’t mean you should go out whenever you want. In addition to checking for any upcoming storms, make sure you check the temperature of the water before going out on the board. While the air may be warm, if there are strong currents close to shore then it’s not worth taking a dip in a chilly pond. Even though SUPs aren’t made from plastic or rubber, they can still be punctured by sharp rocks or other objects under the surface.
Have a Plan for Getting Back to Shore
This is another important thing to consider before setting out on the water. It’s always good practice to have your vehicle parked in a spot that will make it easy to launch and retrieve boards if you are doing an overnight trip. Consider checking out maps of the area ahead of time so you can plan exactly where you will pull off of the road during your journey back home. If this is your first time SUPing with kids, I recommend not going too far from land, especially if there are beginners or young children involved. That way everyone stays safe throughout the trip!
While there is no denying how fun family time is, it’s also important that participants enjoy themselves while learning about safety measures. If you follow these steps and focus on having fun in addition to the safety aspects of the sport, then chances are everyone in your family will want to go SUPing again and again!
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