Friday, March 6, 2020

Ways to Travel While Keeping your Business Afloat

What is the purpose of a vacation to you? The chance to get away from the stresses and strains of everyday life? The opportunity to discover other parts of the world? The occasion to have adventures in far flung places? Unfortunately, not everyone can take the time out from their daily work. However, it is possible to travel at the same time as keeping your business afloat. Continue reading to find out how.

Work Remotely

Working remotely is an option for a lot of business owners. Many more people work from home these days, with home offices set up to allow the same productivity, if not improved, as if they were working with the traditional office environment. With devices and technology being far more effective than in days gone by, it is just as easy to converse with someone whether you are in Singapore or Spain, Canada or Croatia. If this is your plan, always do your research fully to ensure that the resort you are visiting has either free or the option to buy wi-fi. For example, finding out that Global Village WiFi could support you in balancing the requirements of your business alongside having a somewhat restful vacation would certainly help you in making a decision about where to travel and stay.

Ways to Travel While Keeping your Business Afloat

Of course, working remotely while the rest of your family are either sunning themselves or heading out for constant trips can be a challenge. However, that does not mean to say you cannot partake as well. Every single employer and employee across the world, in whatever industry, is entitled to take time off. Your remote working does not have to mean constantly sitting at your laptop or continuously in meetings, missing out on the glorious beaches and crystal-blue waters. Reducing your workload significantly can really help. Working remotely can encompass checking emails on a regular basis and making one quick (emphasis is on the word quick here) phone call with the person you have left in charge.

Staff to Step Up

If you have reliable staff members, which is the aim of all companies, consider getting one or several of them to step up and take on a more senior role. Having someone that you know and trust implicitly to keep the business ticking over as a minimum, preferably thriving, is vital. Of course, regular phone calls for them to assure you that everything is going well would be worthwhile. It would also be wise to trial this in advance to avoid making a huge mistake and realizing that the pressure is just too much for someone. Mentoring staff to know and understand the main pressure points within the enterprise is vital. In the event of any unplanned illness or the need for a hospital procedure, this would also be the perfect preparation and would leave you with fewer worries while you are off your feet.

Ways to Travel While Keeping your Business Afloat

Minimize Operations

It is perfectly feasible to reduce the operations of your business while you are away on vacation. Of course, this is not an option for companies where you have more than a couple of employees, but for smaller businesses, it could be the best decision. First of all, make your expectations clear to both your customers (both potential and existing) with regard to which elements of the business will continue and which will resume upon your return. For example, if you sell items, perhaps you stop the sales for the time being and just focus on other aspects. It can be frustrating for people to buy items and them not be fulfilled and delivered for a couple of weeks when usual delivery time is just a few days. Be very clear with all involved about expectations and what will and will not happen. Furthermore, for those people who email you, be sure to set up an automatic out of office reply alerting people to the fact that you will be away for a while and when you endeavor to be back in action.

Ways to Travel While Keeping your Business Afloat


A major part of business these days is online marketing. Many people choose to use social media to keep their customers up to scratch with what is happening, any deals that they may have and generally sharing news and views linked to their industry. Most platforms allow users to schedule posts. This would prevent your business from being forgotten, but it is important to continue to engage if possible. For example, if you post a poll asking customers for their choice of two items and several people comment with their opinions, it would be frustrating for them not to receive a response at all from you. A member of your staff, if you have some, could be left in charge of providing replies to comments and also any messages that may be sent. Complaints often appear on social media with everyone understanding that far more people will view it there than via any other method. Having someone to respond to criticism is important. If you do not have a member of staff, either at all or someone who could undertake this, checking in to your accounts a couple of times each day while on vacation would be advisable. Your website ought to receive plenty of attention too. If you usually post a blog post or article every other day, it should not be any different while you are away. Using a website builder such as WordPress ought to allow for you to schedule articles in advance. Doing so will keep your business active and present within your industry.

Ways to Travel While Keeping your Business Afloat

Be Inspired

Sometimes, being away in foreign lands can offer you exactly what you have been searching for in terms of inspiration for months, years even. Just relaxing and unwinding can often provide you with the headspace you need to think clearly. Take time to look around you and take in the new surroundings. Ensure you always have a note pad with you. Although you may not need it, being able to scribble down ideas or sketch new designs can be useful and something upon which to reflect when you return home.

Ways to Travel While Keeping your Business Afloat

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