Monday, September 9, 2019

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Houseplants are a popular facet of design, bringing colour, vibrancy and nature inside the home. Not only that, houseplants purify the air around you, some smell amazing and they’ve been found to help reduce blood pressure and pain, and improve focus and concentration, too. Not only that, having a hobby like looking after some houseplants releases endorphins in your brain. It’s good for the mind and your mood to have something you can nurture and grow.

Whilst there are hundreds and thousands of species to choose from, there are some particularly unique houseplants that have special powers. Climadoor put together this post about houseplants with ‘superpowers’ and we thought we would share it with you here, too. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at these extraordinary houseplants:

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is native to West Africa, making it a very low-maintenance plant. This is because it uses the crassulacean acid metabolism process, so you can water it about every month or so. Snake Plant’s have the ability to remove 4 out of 5 of the main toxins found in the air that contribute to ‘sick building syndrome’. Only 5 other plants in the world can do that!

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Swiss Cheese Plant

Voted as the Best Office Plant of the Year in 2018 by Plants at Work, the Swiss Cheese Plant is fantastic for providing some shade in your home. It goes great in a lounge, conservatory, orangery and so on. It’s super effective at filtering light and looks dynamic and interesting, too. Water every two weeks and keep it in full light conditions and it will provide you with effective light filtering properties for years to come.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Aloe Vera

A plant with many undisputed and celebrated health benefits. Aloe Vera is used in a number of products from the beauty industry to hand soap and even toilet paper. It’s effective in treating burns and it is said to reduce blood sugar levels and can also reduce dental plaque due to its antioxidant and antibacterial qualities. They’re really low-maintenance too, as they’re native to the desert they only need a light watering every few weeks.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant is a tough, simple plant. You only need to water it every couple of weeks and is great in a bathroom or bedroom as it enjoys both humid and dry conditions. The ZZ Plant is also effective at removing toxins from the air and in Feng Shui theory, it’s known as the Fortune Tree for its association with good luck and bringing wealth to its owner as it grows.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Peruvian Apple Cactus

This species of cactus has a very unique superpower indeed. The Peruvian Apple Cactus can reduce electromagnetic radiation in a room. So if you’ve got a media room or an area in the house that has a high concentration of gadgets, this cactus will absorb some of those waves, making it the perfect houseplant to have in the living room, office or kitchen. Not only that, they look super cool too. Water every 4-6 weeks to keep it happy.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Bromeliad Pineapple

Hailing from South America, the Bromeliad Pineapple is a funky plant to own. Don’t be fooled by its fruit, it’s not edible. Keep it in a sunny spot to see it flourish and water once a month. But the most important thing about the Bromeliad Pineapple plant is that it releases oxygen at night, which not many plants are able to do. It also releases the enzyme Bromelain, which can reduce snoring making it a great addition to the bedroom.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Alocasia Amazonica

This hybrid plant is wonderfully striking. Its leaves make it look otherworldly and it will really add a dynamic edge to wherever you put it. If you’d like to add a touch of the extraterrestrial to your living space, then the Alocasia Amazonica is the plant for you.  It’s used to a tropical environment so bear that in mind and you’ll need to water it once a fortnight.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Mimosa Plant

Known as an ‘interactive plant’, the Mimosa exhibits what is called seismonastic movement, meaning it responds to touch and vibrations. It also closes its leaves at night and opens them up again in the morning, meaning it effectively goes ‘to sleep’. Water once a fortnight and keep it in a relatively humid spot of the home.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Venus Flytrap

A famous plant indeed, the Venus Flytrap has the unique ability to ensnare and eat insects around the home. They look great and they’re fantastic in the kitchen, where you don’t want those insects flying around your food. Venus Flytrap extract is used as a herbal remedy too, although its health benefits are yet to be scientifically ratified.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers


This gorgeous purple plant aids relaxation, can be used as a culinary herb, herbal tea, or used to make soaps, lotions and oils. They go great by your bed so the natural scent of lavender can help you drift off to sleep after a long day. They like sunshine and watering once a week.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

Semaphore Plant

Also known as the Telegraph Plant, this is another interactive one. It responds rapidly to light, heat and sound. By rapid, we mean fast enough that you can actually see it. All plants move to receive light but they do it so slowly you can only see it through timelapse video. The fact it reacts to sound is pretty special, it moves quick enough that the leaves are said to be ‘dancing’. It makes a great conversation starter and looks striking too.

11 Houseplants With Superpowers

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