Camping is the outdoor activity that involves staying outside the home in a tent or caravan. Mostly people used to have camping by the river side or in hill areas when they go for trekking. One needs to ensure they have all the necessary stuffs for camping before they venture out on camping. As most of the camping will take away from the city, it will be tough to rush to the stores to purchase anything if you have missed out. Very neat and clean planning is a must to have good camping exercise.
There are people who do camping very often and others who involve in camping as a release or alternative from their monotonous life and work style. In any way camping offers a different type of experience and exposure to the people in many ways if planned meticulously. It is enjoyable recreation if you planned it correctly. You need to ensure that you don’t get struck up in rain when you camp out, which may spoil the mood. So first thing to do is to check out the weather report of the place you have planned to camp out.
Things you need to have before starting to camp
First and foremost thing you need to have is good quality tent. You must have a big tent is which is large enough to have space for your group. Also you need to ensure tent is void of any leakages well in advance otherwise if you got struck up in rain it will be horrible. Next thing you need to do, try setting up the tent in your back yard so that it will be easy thing to do when you go for camping. Next thing you need to have is tent pegs of quality. Cheap wire tents will bend after few usages and will cause problems when you try to pull out them. So ensure you have hard Tent pegs before you go out for camping.
Ensure you dry the tent before you put that in to the bag. Otherwise it be smelly and can grow mold inside. It might cause breathing problem for the people with asthma. Also ensure you keep the door and window zippers open to allow the air to escape so that tent can be folded easily when you pack the tent to its pack after camping.
You have to ensure you pack lot of lights which have full charge on them. You need plenty of lights at any point of time when you go for camping. If you are going for camping with just back bag, you can have solar garden lights which don’t weigh much and don’t occupy much space. Also ensure you have matches, a lighter and Fire steel to light up the camp fire. It is good to have back up. Ensure you have proper good first aid kit packed up along with the other stuffs in case of emergency situation it may help you others who are in camp site. Once you have ensured all Camping stuff packed, have a happy camping weekend.
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